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Air purification project in the development of enterprises has a very important role

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:00:25Views:2792SML

With the strong support of the state, more and more enterprises began to pay attention to the balance between enterprise development and environmental protection, because from recent years of experience and lessons learned that there is no long-term harmony of the environment, the enterprise can not be long-term develo...
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Air purification project in the development of enterprises has a very important role

With the strong support of the state, more and more enterprises began to pay attention to the balance between enterprise development and environmental protection, because from recent years of experience and lessons learned that there is no long-term harmony of the environment, the enterprise can not be long-term development.

What is the purification project? Purification project refers to a certain space within the scope of the air particles, harmful air, bacteria and other pollutants excluded, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, pressure, air velocity and air flow distribution, noise vibration and lighting, static control in a Within the scope of engineering.

China's active fiscal policy and sound monetary policy make China's economic environment more stable, China's purification project enterprises through mergers and even mergers to obtain the way to obtain foreign purification equipment, the core technology is a breakthrough technology bottleneck shortcut. And the state should rationally guide the purification project market, support high-end purification equipment research and development, in order to reduce the enterprises in the independent innovation and research and development to worry about.

Clean the cleanliness of the workshop need to install some of the purification equipment

Many people on the clean room inside the need to install the purification equipment there is doubt, do not know what to install, here we understand the next.

First, to install clean clean workshop into the air system, fresh air filter box, the central purification of air conditioning (central purification air conditioning to be divided into the initial effect / efficiency / efficient three filter section) at the end of a high efficiency air outlet, if necessary, There is purification supercharger.

Second, to install clean clean room return air system, return air, filter the first effect, the effect back to the wind box.

Third, enter the clean room before entering the buffer zone, the buffer zone door need to install electronic interlock, dressing place clean storage wardrobe, air refresher.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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