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What are the preparations for the decontamination project?

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:10:08Views:2409SML

By the construction of the competent departments approved the professional qualification of construction enterprises, should meet the following requirements:
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By the construction of the competent departments approved the professional qualification of construction enterprises, should meet the following requirements:

1, in accordance with the approved purification project documents and drawings construction, construction personnel should go through the clean room construction, acceptance of the standard training and assessment, special types of work should be held card, and should be qualified by the professional supervision and professional training and Supervision of the implementation of full supervision.

2, construction should be developed before the construction organization design. Purification works in the construction of the various types of work should be closely, according to the program construction. No drawings, technical requirements and construction organization design of the project should not be construction. In the construction of the project to be modified design should be the design unit of the change file. No construction of the drawings should not be carried out performance acceptance.

3, the materials used in the project, clean room equipment, finished products, semi-finished product specifications, models, performance and technical indicators should be consistent with the design and national standards of the existing requirements, and complete legal quality certification documents. If there is any doubt about the quality, it must be tested. Expired materials may not be used.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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