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Prevention of clean room fire must be points

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:08:19Views:1854SML

Electronic industry class clean plant particularity and fire risk, building fire protection design should pay attention to the following six points:
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Electronic industry class clean plant particularity and fire risk, building fire protection design should pay attention to the following six points:

First, fire water supply and fire fighting equipment
1, clean room production layer and the upper and lower technology plus layer (excluding non-access to the technical sandwich), should be set up indoor fire hydrant. Fire hydrant water consumption of not less than 10L / s, each water gun water should be not less than 5L / s.
2, clean plant with precious equipment, equipment, rooms should be set up a fixed fire fighting facilities. When setting up automatic sprinkler system, it is advisable to use pre-acting automatic sprinkler system. When setting up gas fire extinguishing system, it should not use fire extinguishing agent which can cause suffocation and secondary damage to the protection object.

Second, fire communication facilities
As a result of a large number of clean room indoor use of metal sheet, the general shielding effect is very strong. So in the clean room should be set up a complete set of fire communication facilities. This facility is not only used by internal workers in the event of a fire alarm and communication, but should also be used by fire officers and soldiers involved in fire fighting to ensure that fire communication is smooth and that unnecessary communication interruption and communication failures are reduced to ensure the safety of firefighters The

Third, fire separation
1, clean plant fire rating should not be lower than two.
2, clean plant floor number to determine: due to process requirements, the level of clean room is generally higher than the average plant, and the need to set up and down the technical sandwich or technical lanes, mezzanine set some equipment, fans, ducts, cables, Of the pipeline. It is connected with the clean area by the hollow floor, ceiling or complex pipe connected up and down. If the technical sandwich as a separate layer, fire separation is obviously very difficult, I learn from the views of experts that the upper and lower technical mezzanine and production areas as a layer to consider, but should be set up in the upper and lower mezzanine corresponding fire facilities.
3, clean the plant's fire partition. As the process needs, production workshop production line length of 200 meters, in accordance with the "civil building design fire safety regulations," the requirements of the fire partition is completely unrealistic. In view of the small number of employees in such industries, if the safety evacuation conditions and fire extinguishing facilities are installed, fire prevention zones can be set up according to production requirements.

Fourth, the safe evacuation channel
1, safe exit and evacuation channel: In the clean plant design, the staff of the safe evacuation is particularly important, but also more complex. Should be in accordance with the "clean plant design specifications" requirements of each production layer, each fire zone or the number of safe areas of each clean area should not be less than two, and the safety of exports should be scattered layout. Design should try to separate the evacuation route and process to meet the production site from any one to the safe exit without twists and turns of personnel purification path, should be clear to avoid twists and turns, and embarked on a clear indication of the set.
2, the requirements of the fire to save the entrance: the clean room is a closed room, in the event of a fire, to the firefighters to save the difficulties, so the requirements of the clean room should be provided for the firefighters to the clean room cleaning area dedicated fire Mouth, fire mouth spacing of not more than 80m, the width should not be less than 750mm, the height of not less than 1900mm, there should be a clear sign, the fire can usually be closed, the use of firefighters from the outdoor open. Designed in the factory fire fighting door should be set up in the staircase or evacuation walkway, to ensure the safety of firefighters themselves.

Fifth, ventilation and smoke control
1, flammable, explosive area of the exhaust should be separated from the general area, set up separately, and select the explosion-proof exhaust fan.
2, in order to ensure the safety of production and staff safety, should set the accident exhaust system. The exhaust system should be equipped with automatic and manual control switch, manual control switch should be located in the clean room and clean outdoor easy to operate the location.
3, clean the corridor of the plant, should be set up mechanical smoke control facilities. Clean the plant more types of pipelines, if a set of smoke prevention and drainage pipe has a great difficulty, clean room mechanical smoke system can be ventilated, clean air conditioning system combined, but must take a reliable fire safety measures.
4, the duct should be non-combustible materials, and in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specifications set fire valve.

Sixth, electrical
1, clean plant should be set for personnel evacuation with emergency lighting and evacuation signs. In the fire mouth should be set to red emergency lights.
2, clean plant should be set aside to meet the needs of the premises or parts of the activities and work required for the minimum illumination, generally should not be less than the normal illumination of the standard 1/10.
3, clean plant production area (including technical mezzanine), room, station, etc. should be set fire alarm detector. Clean plant production area and corridor should be set to manual fire alarm button.
4, clean room may produce electrostatic hazards of equipment, mobile liquid, gas or powder pipeline should take anti-static grounding measures.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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